Fortitude church started seven years ago through a women’s ministry called Women of Wisdom and Wellness. While behind the salon styling chair, the altar where Pastor Donna Medley shared her stories, testimonies, dreams, aspirations, and how she preserved with God‘s help and never gave up those who sat at the altar would be amazed by her story. Wow.
W.O.W.W. Ministries was born from there to help teach and encourage other women how to persevere and be resilient no matter what they face in life. Now that God has strategically provided a team W.O.W.W. has now been recognized as flawed, but anointed by God to do his will and his purpose in the kingdom.
Fortitude church is a 501 C3 public charity which seeks to operate under the righteous standard of financial accountability and excellence. All charitable donations to Fortitude Church are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law within the United States. Fortitude Church is audited by an independent accounting firm each year and governed by a board of directors.
Board of Directors
Pastor Dr. Donna Medley, President
Tamika McCoy
ShaeVon Butts, Secretary
Kim Turnbo, Secretary
Fortitude teaches the body of believers how to stand firm on the word of God, where things get hard, we encourage the church to persevere in the course of action that will move them closer to their purpose in life and never give up. We encourage them to lean on God‘s word, as well as support of other members of the body. Many times we have the tendency to start things in life, and as we are climbing to the height of where God is still taking us in the incline of our destination gets a little harder for us to breathe as we are climbing up, we give up. But this is where we learn to be resilient and withstand. We learn how to lean on the strength of God even in our weaknesses.